Before you get your pumpkin spice latte

Did you notice the fog in the air this morning? Even though autumn technically does not start until Sept. 23rd, there's no question, the change in season is already here. Before you run out and get your pumpkin spice latte, this is a breakdown of what you need to know about portraits through the end of the year...

Snohomish Senior Grad  Girl Portrait with Horse - Jared M Burns.jpg

September 6th - Nearly all schools are back in session and people are getting desperate to squeeze in their last-minute family or senior grad portraits.

September 6th to 16th - Sunflowers are in full splendor at some of your local farms. It's a special opportunity to create remarkable portraits with a touch of warm, bright cheer!

September 7th to 20th - The weather is still glorious! There is still time to get the late summer look in beautiful outdoor settings. Many people find this is the most timeless look for portrait art that will hang on their walls all year round.

Snohomish fall family portraits with leaf color - Jared M Burns.jpg

September 21st to October 15th - The ideal time for autumn color! The tree color season is always shorter than you think, just 2 to 3 weeks in all, so plan ahead!

October 1st to 16th - Most area high schools will have a hard deadline for senior grad yearbook portraits in the first half of the month. Don't wait until the last minute!

October 10th to 31st - Pumpkins and corn make a wonderful setting for family portraits, especially when young kids are involved!

October 21st to 31st - Every year a wind and rain storm sweeps through near the end of the month tearing all the beautiful fall color to the ground. The likelihood of bad weather increases with each passing week through the end of the year.

November 3rd - This marks the daylight savings change. The evening light is gone and sessions can only be scheduled on very limited Saturdays. November is also the rainiest month of the year.

Snohomish Family Portrait Wall Art Example - Jared M Burns.jpg

November 15th to December 14th - We are wrapping up last of the season sessions and products needed as gifts for Christmas!

Were you planning to get family portraits in 2019? The time to schedule them is now!

© 2019 Jared M. Burns Photography
Snohomish County Family Portrait and Senior Grad Portrait Photographer | 206.659.7468 |