When was your last family portrait?

Summer is coming!

"Umm, no kidding, Jared, everyone knows this."

Well, fire season is coming too!

"Oh, yeah...I hadn't thought about that."

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There just one EXTREMELY important thing you must know...

Waiting too long to book your family portraits could cost you. You might be trading the beautiful blue skies of Washington for a thick, brownish-red cloud of smog. While we hate to say it, the late-summer fires are a real thing around here now. 


How long has it been since your last family portrait?

If this summer is the one for you, be sure to plan your family session early! Everything we love about the beautiful Northwest is happening now. We want your family portraits to have that dream look you would be proud to display on your walls for years to come. 

Now is the time! Call us today to get started!


© 2019 Jared M. Burns Photography
Snohomish County Family Photographer
www.jaredmburns.com | 206.659.7468 | info@jaredmburns.com

5 Reasons Summer is the Best Time to Get Your Family Portraits

When was your last family portrait? If you are like most people, you did it when the kids were little, but now years have passed and important stages have been missed. You don't have to let that happen again this summer! Here are 5 reasons that prove this summer is the BEST time for your family portraits!

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1. Best Weather!

This is when the Northwest is at its very best with the lush green of the land and vibrant blue skies and water.  You don't have to worry about the winds and rain that can ruin hair and clothes any other time of year.

Snohomish Family Photographer, Jared M. Burns - Couples

2. Best Creative Potential!

When the weather is so good, you have options for more diverse locations. You get to take advantage of the amazing outdoor lighting. You can build sessions around summer themes or activities your family identifies with. From the mountains to the water, all the parks and natural areas have been manicured and are waiting for you. 

Snohomish Family Photographer, Jared M. Burns - Northwest Family

3. Best Flexibility!

You already know it's hard to get the family together the rest of the year, but summer is a time when everyone's schedules open up and life slows down just a little. It's easier to take time off work during the week. The days are longer meaning families can still do portraits after work in the beautiful golden light of evening.

Snohomish Family Photographer, Jared M. Burns - Family with older kids

4. Best Moments!

Yes, the best moments happen in summer. Everyone is more relaxed, the days come a little easier. The family is together more and creating quality memories that last a lifetime. Portraits can persevere and commemorate this unique stage in your family.

Snohomish Family Photographer, Jared M. Burns - Destination Family Portrait.jpg

5. Best time is before it's too late!

One thing I have learned in photography is that summer is the easiest season to let slip past you. People start with dreams like "This will be the year we finally get the family portrait done!" but, year after year the summer BBQ's, kids sports, travel, yard projects, and big work events steal every last bit of your time...and the family is yet another year older with nothing to show.

The best time is now. Once summer slips away everyone else will be calling us frantically, saying, "Oh my goodness, where did the season go? Is there any way you can STILL fit me in!?" 

© 2018 Jared M. Burns Photography
Snohomish Family Portrait Photographer
www.jaredmburns.com | 206.659.7468 | info@jaredmburns.com