Is it too soon to plan your outdoor portraits?

Not at all, spring is right around the corner! It's always better to plan ahead to avoid last-minute stress. Spring is a season of renewal and fresh beginnings, making it an ideal time to capture beautiful moments in nature or with loved ones. With each passing day now, the days are getting longer and the temperatures a little warmer! Planning now for spring means making the most when it comes to the season ahead.


TRIVIA TIME! Do you know why SEPTEMBER is at the top of the weather clock? (Find the answer below)


  1. LOCATION: Consider the location for your photo session carefully and how that completed portrait will fit in your home. Springtime is full of vibrant colors and beautiful landscapes, so look for a location that will complement your desired aesthetic. Think about parks, gardens, or even your own backyard. (...and we know the best spots!)

  2. CLOTHING: Spring is a season of new beginnings, so consider incorporating new clothing with bright, fresh colors and light fabrics into your wardrobe choices. Dressing in layers is also a good idea since spring weather can be unpredictable. (...and we provide a clothing consult!)

  3. LIGHTING: The lighting in your photos can make a big difference in the final product. Springtime is a great time to take advantage of the soft, diffused lighting that comes with overcast or partly sunny days. (... and we are lighting experts so you always look amazing!)

  4. PROPS: Adding props to your spring portraits can help tell a story or add visual interest. Consider incorporating spring flowers, picnic blankets, or other items that evoke the feeling of the season. (...and we provide recommendations as we get to know you!)

  5. MOOD: Think about the tone you want your portraits to convey. Spring is a season of joy and renewal, so consider incorporating elements that reflect those feelings. Laughter, movement, and playfulness can all help bring your spring portraits to life. (... and we will design your vision!)

So why is SEPTEMBER at the top of the weather clock?

It is because September is the single most desirable month of the year. Whether people intend to or not, life is going to get a lot busier over these next six months. The portraits people intended to have done in spring or summer, often get pushed all the way back until school starts. August is the 11th hour, don't wait until then to start! 

Let's get something on the calendar and solve one problem now!